About Us > Services

 Eleven Dimension Funds offers Global Fund offering, to provide world-class returns for our clients. The locus of our attention is excellence and supremacy of fund rather than size and scale. The polestar of our efforts is hunting down and being one amongst the first in discovery, equally vital, patiently holding on to investments in wider-than-MOAT opportunities for years. We desire to be the proverbial hedgehog who loves to perform one act with breathtaking admirability. We like having no rules other than an open mind.

► Equity stake in unlisted private businesses
- We buy private businesses in New Zealand and Australia through a sister company for 100% control. Private businesses sub five million dollar range are available significanly cheaper than the public markets. They are available for a reason, banks to not provide loans for these businesses and these businesses require a management layer post the exit of founder who is typically retiring from the industry. We step in, scale, expand the business. If the business matures and stops rapid expansion, then we consider IPO of the business. Investors will get equity stake in Australian businesses. Typical dividend yield for investor will be 5-7% for the duration of their holding and a likely gain during exit or IPO stage post scale up.